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How to Check Branches in Git: A Comprehensive Guide

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In Git, branches are an essential feature that allow developers to work on different parts of a project simultaneously, test new features, fix bugs, or even experiment without affecting the main codebase. Knowing how to check branches in Git is a key skill for effective version control and project management. In this guide, we’ll walk through the methods for listing branches in Git, understanding the types of branches, and checking which branch you’re currently working on.

What Are Branches in Git?

A branch in Git is essentially a pointer to a specific commit within a repository. When you create a branch, you’re creating a new line of development that diverges from the main or any other branch, allowing you to work independently. Here’s a quick look at the two types of branches:

  1. Local Branches: These exist only in your local Git repository and are not visible to others until you push them to a remote.
  2. Remote Branches: These exist on a remote repository (like GitHub or GitLab) and are shared among collaborators.

How to Check Branches in Git

Let’s dive into the commands used to view branches, check your current branch, and interact with both local and remote branches.

1. Checking Local Branches

To see a list of branches available in your local repository, open your terminal and navigate to the project’s directory, then run:

git branch

This command will display all local branches, highlighting the currently active branch with an asterisk (*). For example:

* main

In this example, main is the active branch, and there are two additional branches, feature-branch and bugfix-branch.

2. Checking Remote Branches

To view all branches in the remote repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab), use:

git branch -r

This will show a list of remote branches, typically prefixed by the remote name (e.g., origin), as shown below:


In this example, the origin prefix indicates these branches are on the remote repository.

3. Checking Both Local and Remote Branches

To display both local and remote branches in one list, use:

git branch -a

This command lists all branches, with remote branches prefixed by remotes/, like this:

* main

This view helps you quickly compare local and remote branches, useful for identifying branches that haven’t been pushed to the remote repository or checking if a remote branch has been merged or deleted locally.

How to Check the Current Branch

Sometimes, you might want to know which branch you’re currently on. The active branch is generally marked by an asterisk when you use git branch, but there’s another quick command for this:

git status

The git status command shows which branch you’re on, as well as any changes to files in your working directory. The output will look something like this:

On branch feature-branch
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/feature-branch'.

Alternatively, you can use:

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

This command will output only the name of the current branch, which is helpful for scripting or simpler output:


Additional Tips for Managing Branches

1. Viewing Merged and Unmerged Branches

To see branches that have been merged into your current branch, use:

git branch --merged

This command will list branches that are safe to delete, as they have been fully merged into your active branch.

For branches that haven’t been merged, use:

git branch --no-merged

This will list all branches that are not yet merged, helping you identify work in progress.

2. Displaying Detailed Branch Information

To get a more detailed view of each branch’s history, including commit details, use:

git branch -v

This displays the latest commit message for each branch, allowing you to see a quick summary of recent work.

For example:

* main           a1b2c3d Updated README with installation instructions
  feature-branch d4e5f6g Added new payment feature
  bugfix-branch  h7i8j9k Fixed login issue

3. Checking Out a Different Branch

To switch to another branch, use:

git checkout branch-name

Replace branch-name with the name of the branch you want to work on. This command will update your working directory to match the latest commit on the specified branch.

For Git version 2.23 and later, you can also use:

git switch branch-name

The switch command is more intuitive and specifically designed for changing branches.

Common Branch Management Workflow

In a typical Git workflow, you might follow these steps:

  1. List Branches: Use git branch to check existing branches.
  2. Create a New Branch: Use git branch new-branch to create a branch.
  3. Switch to the New Branch: Use git switch new-branch (or git checkout new-branch in earlier versions).
  4. Push the Branch to Remote: Use git push -u origin new-branch to create and track the branch on the remote.
  5. Delete Merged Branches: After a branch is merged, delete it with git branch -d branch-name (for local) and git push origin --delete branch-name (for remote).


Knowing how to check branches in Git is a fundamental skill that helps you stay organized, streamline your workflow, and keep track of project progress. Here’s a recap of the essential commands covered:

  • git branch – Lists local branches.
  • git branch -r – Lists remote branches.
  • git branch -a – Lists all branches, both local and remote.
  • git status – Shows the current branch and staged changes.
  • git branch --merged / --no-merged – Shows merged and unmerged branches.

By effectively using these commands, you’ll be better equipped to manage and organize branches in your Git workflow, helping you collaborate and contribute more efficiently.

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