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CSS – How to Blur Text?

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Text blurring in CSS can be a powerful design technique that adds a modern aesthetic to your web pages. This effect can be used to create visual interest, emphasize certain content, or even guide user focus. In this blog, we will explore various methods to blur text using CSS, discuss their applications, and provide practical examples to help you master this design technique.

Understanding Text Blurring

Text blurring is often used in web design for various purposes:

  • Focus and Emphasis: Blurring certain text can help draw attention to other elements, creating a hierarchy in content.
  • Overlay Effects: When overlaying text on images or videos, blurring can improve readability by softening the background details.
  • Stylized Designs: Blurred text can add a creative touch to your layouts, giving a modern and sophisticated feel.

Methods to Blur Text in CSS

1. Using the filter Property

The simplest way to blur text in CSS is by using the filter property. This method allows you to apply a blur effect directly to any text element.


HTML Structure:

<h1 class="blurred-text">Welcome to Our Website</h1>

CSS Styles:

.blurred-text {
    font-size: 48px;                     /* Set font size */
    color: black;                         /* Set text color */
    filter: blur(5px);                   /* Apply blur effect */
    transition: filter 0.3s;             /* Smooth transition on hover */

.blurred-text:hover {
    filter: blur(0);                     /* Remove blur on hover */


  • The filter: blur(5px); property applies a 5-pixel blur to the text.
  • The transition property allows for a smooth effect, removing the blur when the user hovers over the text.

2. Using Text Shadow for a Soft Blur Effect

Another way to achieve a blurred appearance is by using the text-shadow property. While this method doesn’t produce a true blur, it can create a soft-focus effect that can enhance the visual appeal of the text.


HTML Structure:

<h2 class="soft-blur-text">Experience the Beauty of CSS</h2>

CSS Styles:

.soft-blur-text {
    font-size: 36px;                          /* Set font size */
    color: white;                              /* Set text color */
    text-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Soft shadow for blur effect */


  • The text-shadow property creates a soft shadow effect around the text, giving it a blurred appearance.
  • You can adjust the rgba values to customize the color and opacity of the shadow.

3. Using Background Blur for Text Overlay

When overlaying text on images, you can blur the background to enhance readability while keeping the text sharp. This technique is particularly useful for hero sections or banners.


HTML Structure:

<div class="overlay">
    <h3 class="overlay-text">Stunning Visuals Await</h3>

CSS Styles:

body {
    background-image: url('path/to/your/image.jpg'); /* Set background image */
    background-size: cover;                            /* Cover the entire viewport */
    height: 100vh;                                    /* Full height */
    margin: 0;                                        /* Remove default margin */

.overlay {
    position: relative;                                /* Enable positioning for child elements */
    height: 100%;                                     /* Full height */

.overlay-text {
    position: absolute;                                /* Absolute positioning for text */
    top: 50%;                                         /* Center vertically */
    left: 50%;                                        /* Center horizontally */
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);                /* Adjust position */
    font-size: 48px;                                 /* Set font size */
    color: white;                                     /* Set text color */
    backdrop-filter: blur(5px);                       /* Blur background behind text */


  • The backdrop-filter: blur(5px); property blurs the background directly behind the text, improving readability while maintaining the background image.
  • The text remains sharp and clear, creating a visually appealing contrast.

4. Using SVG Filters for Advanced Blurring

For more complex blur effects, you can use SVG filters. This method allows for greater control over the blurring process, including options for customizing the blur radius and other properties.


HTML Structure:

<svg width="0" height="0">
        <filter id="blur-effect">
            <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="5" /> <!-- Apply Gaussian blur -->

<h2 class="svg-blurred-text" style="filter: url(#blur-effect);">Creative CSS Blurring</h2>

CSS Styles:

.svg-blurred-text {
    font-size: 36px;                /* Set font size */
    color: black;                   /* Set text color */


  • The SVG filter uses a Gaussian blur effect, defined in the <defs> section.
  • The text is then styled to apply the filter, resulting in a customizable blur effect.

Best Practices for Blurring Text

  1. Use Sparingly: Blurring text can enhance aesthetics, but overusing it can hinder readability. Always prioritize user experience.
  2. Test Readability: Ensure that any blurred text remains readable, especially when overlaying on busy backgrounds or images.
  3. Consider Accessibility: Maintain good contrast between text and background. Use tools like the WebAIM Contrast Checker to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.
  4. Optimize Performance: CSS filters can be performance-intensive, particularly on mobile devices. Test your design across different platforms to ensure smooth performance.


Blurring text in CSS can create stunning visual effects that enhance your web design. Whether you use the filter property, text-shadow, or background blurs, mastering these techniques allows you to add depth and interest to your layouts.

To recap:

  • Use the filter property for straightforward text blurring.
  • Utilize text-shadow for a soft blur effect.
  • Implement backdrop blurring for text overlays on images.
  • Explore SVG filters for advanced blur effects.

By implementing these techniques thoughtfully, you can effectively use text blurring to create modern and engaging designs that capture your audience’s attention.

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